Organic SEO, Why It Affects You!

By Erin Robinson

So… you have a website and it’s fabulous. But it doesn’t rank at all on the search engines. That can be a huge problem! If your website does not rank on the first page of the main product or service that you provide, then you are pretty much invisible. There are two main ways to rank at the top of the first page on a search engine: Paying for your placement (Search Engine Marketing), or through Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is Organic SEO?  By definition, Organic SEO is getting placed on search engines without paying for the placement.  This may sound simple, but you have to understand that Organic SEO is a science. It takes a lot time and effort on your part and in the end there are no guarantees.

How do search engines work? When Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines rank websites, they do so based on the relevance of the site. The different search engines use algorithms to “crawl” the billions of pages that exist on the web. The program that does the “crawling” is known as a robot, bot, or spider.  Then, when you perform a search, the various search engines will check their index to determine the most relevant search results and those are returned to you.

Why should I care? Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the main way that people do research to find products and services like yours. They can be your main lead generator and a way to get sales without cold calls, feet on the street or really any effort from you. It’s sales, leads and conversions without selling, networking or closing.

Next week we will continue this discussion give you tips and strategies on how to rank at the top with the second part of this 2-part series Help Others Find You:  Increasing Your Organic SEO.

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